Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka – Anda menglami kesulitan dalam menyusun soal sumatif Bahasa Inggris kurikulum merdeka? Jangan khawatir, melalui artikel ini BataraGuru.Com akan memberikan referensi contoh soal sumatif akhir semester Bahasa Inggris kurikulum merdeka.
Pengertian Soal Sumatif Kurikulum Merdeka
Menurut Panduan Pembelajaran dan Assesmen, Penilaian atau asesmen sumatif pada jenjang pendidikan dasar dan menengah bertujuan untuk menilai pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran dan/atau CP peserta didik sebagai dasar penentuan kenaikan kelas dan/atau kelulusan dari satuan pendidikan. Penilaian pencapaian hasil belajar peserta didik dilakukan dengan membandingkan pencapaian hasil belajar peserta didik dengan kriteria ketercapaian tujuan pembelajaran.
Sementara itu, pada pendidikan anak usia dini, asesmen sumatif digunakan untuk mengetahui capaian perkembangan peserta didik dan bukan sebagai hasil evaluasi untuk penentuan kenaikan kelas atau kelulusan. Asesmen sumatif berbentuk laporan hasil belajar yang berisikan laporan pencapaian pembelajaran dan dapat ditambahkan dengan informasi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak.
Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka
Contoh Soal Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 disusun berasarkan Capaian Pembelajaran yang tertuang dalam Keputusan Menteri Nomor 262/M/2022 Perubahan atas Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Nomor 56/M/2022 tentang Pedoman Penerapan Kurikulum Dalam Rangka Pemulihan Pembelajaran.
Selain itu, contoh soal sumatif Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 kurikulum merdeka ini disesuaikan juga dengan buku siswa Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 Kurikulum Merdeka.
Baik, langsung saja simak dan pelajari contoh soal sumatif akhir semester 1 kelas 9 kurikulum merdeka berikut ini.
1. What is the primary habitat of the Komodo dragon?
A) Rainforests
B) Mountains
C) Beaches
D) Grasslands.
Answer: D
2. Which of these is a characteristic of the Sumatran tiger?
A) Nocturnal
B) Aquatic
C) Herbivorous
D) Domesticated.
Answer: A
3. The Javan rhinoceros is most known for its:
A) Speed
B) Horn
C) Ability to fly
D) Colorful feathers.
Answer: B
4. What diet does the Bornean orangutan primarily follow?
A) Carnivorous
B) Omnivorous
C) Herbivorous
D) Insectivorous.
Answer: C
5. Which Indonesian bird is known for its elaborate courtship dance?
A) Peacock
B) Eagle
C) Sparrow
D) Bird of Paradise.
Answer: D
6. What is the correct past tense form of: “Last year, I _ a concert.”
A) attend
B) attended
C) attending
D) attends.
Answer: B
7. Identify the sequence of events in the story: “I woke up, brushed my teeth, and went to school.”
A) Brushed teeth, woke up, went to school
B) Woke up, brushed teeth, went to school
C) Went to school, woke up, brushed teeth
D) Brushed teeth, went to school, woke up.
Answer: B
8. In this personal narrative, what is the main event?
A) Winning a prize
B) Going on a trip
C) Meeting a friend
D) Learning to swim.
Answer: B
9. In “The Enchanted Forest,” what is the main problem the characters face?
A) A spell
B) A lost key
C) A dragon
D) A flood.
Answer: A
10. How is the conflict resolved in “The Magic Stone”?
A) The stone breaks
B) The stone is lost
C) The stone is used wisely
D) The stone is given away.
Answer: C
11. Which character trait best describes the hero in this fantasy story?
A) Cowardice
B) Honesty
C) Greed
D) Laziness.
Answer: B
12. In “The Secret Portal,” what sequence of events leads to the climax?
A) Finding the portal, entering a new world, meeting the villain
B) Meeting the villain, finding the portal, entering a new world
C) Entering a new world, meeting the villain, finding the portal
D) Finding the portal, meeting the villain, entering a new world.
Answer: A
13. What is the theme of “The Lost Kingdom”?
A) Friendship
B) Adventure
C) Courage
D) Love.
Answer: C
14. The Bali myna is distinctive for its:
A) Black feathers
B) Long tail
C) White plumage
D) Singing ability.
Answer: C
15. What adaptation helps the Proboscis monkey to survive in its environment?
A) Long tail
B) Strong claws
C) Large nose
D) Sharp teeth.
Answer: C
16. Which Indonesian animal is critically endangered?
A) Komodo dragon
B) Sumatran elephant
C) Javan rhinoceros
D) Orangutan.
Answer: C
17. Which verb tense is used to describe past experiences?
A) Present continuous
B) Past perfect
C) Future simple
D) Past simple.
Answer: D
18. In describing a past event, what is the correct order of a narrative?
A) Introduction, climax, resolution
B) Climax, introduction, resolution
C) Resolution, introduction, climax
D) Introduction, resolution, climax.
Answer: A
19. In this story about a school trip, what was the highlight?
A) The bus ride
B) The museum visit
C) The picnic lunch
D) The return home.
Answer: B
20. What literary device is used in “The Whispering Woods” when trees talk?
A) Metaphor
B) Simile
C) Personification
D) Onomatopoeia.
Answer: C
21. In “The Tower of Dreams,” how does the main character overcome challenges?
A) With magic
B) Through bravery
C) By avoiding them
D) With help from friends.
Answer: B
22. What is the setting of this fantasy scene?
A) A modern city
B) An ancient castle
C) An enchanted forest
D) A futuristic space station.
Answer: C
23. What is the purpose of the sidekick in “The Golden Quest”?
A) To provide comic relief
B) To be the antagonist
C) To narrate the story
D) To provide advice.
Answer: A
24. Which element is essential in creating a fantasy story?
A) Realistic settings
B) Historical accuracy
C) Magical elements
D) Scientific facts.
Answer: C
25. In “The Time Traveling Explorer,” what animal does the character encounter in ancient Java?
A) Tiger
B) Rhino
C) Elephant
D) Dragon.
Answer: B
26. When writing about a trip to an Indonesian national park, which tense is most appropriate?
A) Present perfect
B) Past continuous
C) Future simple
D) Past simple.
Answer: D
27. In a fantasy story set in an Indonesian rainforest, what problem could the characters face?
A) Getting lost
B) Running out of battery
C) Finding a Wi-Fi signal
D) Missing a TV show.
Answer: A
28. What feature makes the Sumatran orangutan unique compared to other primates?
A) Its aquatic abilities
B) Its distinctive hair color
C) Its diet
D) Its tail length.
Answer: B
29. In narrating a personal experience about a cultural festival, what is the climax likely to be?
A) Arriving at the festival
B) Describing the food
C) The main event of the festival
D) Leaving the festival.
Answer: C
30. In “The Legend of the Volcanic Island,” what role does the volcano play in the story?
A) A place to find treasure
B) The home of the protagonist
C) A source of conflict
D) A backdrop for romance.
Answer: C
Akhir Kata
Demikian contoh soal sumatif Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 kurikulum merdeka yang dapat kami bagikan. Semoga bisa menjadi inspirasi bagi bapak/ibu guru dalam menyusun soal ujian sumatif. Bagi peserta didik, semoga bisa menjadi bahan latihan untuk memperdalam pemahaman materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP.